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When I click on the "Function Point Calculator" button on the main page nothing happens.

If nothing happens when clicking on the gray buttons, you either have JavaScript turned off on your browser, or your browser does not support JavaScript.

To turn on JavaScript in Netscape Communicator

  • On the menu-bar click on "Edit"
  • Click on "Preferences"
  • In the box that reads "Category:" click "Advanced"
  • Check off "Enable JavaScript"
  • Hit the "Ok" button
  • To turn on JavaScript in Netscape Navigator

  • On the menu-bar click on "Options"
  • Click on "Network Preferences"
  • Click on the "Languages" tab
  • Check off "Enable JavaScript"
  • Hit the "Ok" button
  • If you do not see a "Enable JavaScript" checkbox, then the version of Netscape that you are using does not support JavaScript and you will need to download or purchase a current version to view this webpage properly.

    If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, JavaScript is enabled automatically. If the gray buttons are not working, the version of Internet Explorer that you are using does not support JavaScript and you will need to download or purchase a current version to view this webpage properly.

    Free downloads of both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape are available at


    When I click on the gray button reading "Function Point Calculator" all I see is a page telling me my web-browser is too old.

    This simply means that the version of the web-browser that you are using is too old to display the webpage correctly or for it to function properly.

    The function point calculator has been tested on various older web-browsers. We have determined that you must one of the following:

  • Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher

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    When I click on the "Proceed to Step 2" button I get a message pops up reading "You must have at least one cell filled in with a NON-ZERO entry!".

    This means you either left the table elements blank, you filled in the table but accidentally hit the "Clear Table" button, or you filled in the table with all zeros.

    To continue to Step 2 you must fill in at least one element of the table with a number other that zero.

    Leaving the table blank or filling it in with all zeros always makes the final number of function points to be zero. No matter how you fill in Step 2, the final number of function points will always be zero. If you decide that you did fill in the table correctly by supplying all zeros to the table, then the number of function points for your project is zero.

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    When I click on the "Proceed to Step 2" button I get a message pops up reading "Please only enter positive numbers into the table.".

    This means that somewhere in the table you typed in a letter, a word, a combination of letters and numbers, or a negative number.

    To continue to Step 2, you can either clear the table with the "Clear Table" button and start over, or find the cell in the table that contains a letter or a negative number in it and change it to a positive number.

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    How do I fill in Number of User Inputs for Step 1?

    Number of User Inputs refers to how many input fields of data that the user will have to fill in. From the software you plan to develop, make a quick estimate of how many inputs your program will need from a user. In addition, try and rate those inputs as SIMPLE, AVERAGE, or COMPLEX.

    For example, after examining your software you may decide that it will have 7 user inputs. Out of those 7 inputs you decide that 2 will be complex, 2 will be average, and 3 will be simple.

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    How do I fill in Number of User Outputs for Step 1?

    Number of User Outputs refers to how many outputs will be generated for the user to see. This generally means the number of reports generate, not the number of fields of data on each report. From the software you plan to develop, decide how many reports (or screens of data) that your software will have to output. In addition, try and rate those outputs as SIMPLE, AVERAGE, or COMPLEX.

    For example, after examining your software you may decide that it will need to produce 4 reports for the user. Out of those 4, you decide that 3 will be simple, 1 will be average, and none will be complex.

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    How do I fill in Number of User Inquiries for Step 1?

    Number of User Inquiries refers to how many times the user has to interact with the program without entering any data in. This generally includes things such as buttons, menus, or anything the user has to interact with without inputting data. From the software you plan to develop, decide how many objects (buttons, menus, etc.) the user will have to interact with. In addition, try and rate those inquiries as SIMPLE, AVERAGE, or COMPLEX.

    For example, after examining your software you may decide that there will need to be 5 user inquiries. Out of those 5 user inquiries, you decide that 1 will be simple, 0 will be average, and 4 will be complex.

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    How do I fill Number of Files for Step 1?

    Number of Files refers to how many files that the software you plan to develop will have to access. This only includes any data files that your software will have to interact with. This does not include header files, library files, or any files that your compiler will need to compile your software. From the software you plan to develop, decide how many data files that your software will need to have access to. In addition, try and rate those files as SIMPLE, AVERAGE, or COMPLEX.

    For example, after examining your software you may decide that it will need to access with 10 data files. Out of those 10, you decide that 3 will be simple, 3 will be average, and 4 will be complex.

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    How do I fill in Number of External Interfaces for Step 1?

    Number of External Interfaces refers to how many other systems or software that your software will have to interface with. This includes for example a piece of database software, a web-based server, or any other object that your software will have to interface with. From the software you plan to develop, decide how many external objects your software will have to interface with. In addition, try and rate each interface as SIMPLE, AVERAGE, or COMPLEX.

    For example, after examining your software you may decide that it will need to have 3 external interface. Out of those 3, you decide that 3 will be simple, none will be average, and none will be complex.

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