UML Basics Class Diagram Use Case Diagram Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram Sequence Diagram Communication Diagram Deployment Diagram Need Help?
Welcome to the UML Design Tutor!

UML stands for "Unified Modeling Language". It is used by software engineers, modelers, and anyone needing to model a system. Modeling systems allows developers to visualize the system during the planning stages, so they can develop software that meet client requirements. UML is also designed to be utilized for different programming languages, which is why it features a generic language to be applied to any programming language. However, it is especially meant to be a good fit for object-oriented programming langauges given several diagram categories feature references toward classes and objects. There are a variety of diagrams that are used for different reasons to visualize the system to get different perspectives.

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To jump into the Unified Modeling Language, start by going through the basics.

For a refresher in specific diagrams, choose from one of the diagram sections.

This website is designed by Rachel Cronkhite, Trenton Stebner-Hoang, Deborah Sinani, Matthew Smith, and Alexis Tucker.