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Class taxman.LoadPanel


public class LoadPanel
extends Panel
This is the lower left button panel for the applet. It controls the new game and options buttons and supplies a Checkbox for the user to choose to go first.

Constructor Index

 o LoadPanel(int)
Initializes UI components and sets the layout.

Method Index

 o newFile(String)
This method should be called every time a new file is loaded.
 o setBackground(Color)
Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)
 o setForeground(Color)
Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)


 o LoadPanel
 public LoadPanel(int NumMedia)
Initializes UI components and sets the layout.

NumMedia - the number of media files that will be loaded


 o setBackground
 public void setBackground(Color clr)
Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)

clr - The new foreground color
setBackground in class Component
 o setForeground
 public void setForeground(Color clr)
Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)

clr - The new background color
setForeground in class Component
 o newFile
 public void newFile(String Name)
This method should be called every time a new file is loaded. It will update the loading screen and the progress bar.

Name - the name of the file that was last loaded.

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