All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- action(Event, Object).
Method in class taxman.ButtonPanel
- This method traps the events for the two buttons
and reports them back to the game control.
- action(Event, Object).
Method in class taxman.OptionsPanel
- Only thing to look for is button presses from
the ok button and the cancel button.
- addNumber(GUINumber).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- Adds a number to the grid.
- addNumber(int).
Method in class taxman.Board
- This function adds a number to the vector of available moves.
- addNumber(TaxNumber).
Method in class taxman.Board
- This function adds a number to the vector of available moves.
- addPanel(GameUpdate).
Method in class taxman.Game
- Adds a panel to be updated when the game state changes
- AdvantagePanel().
Constructor for class taxman.AdvantagePanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the layout.
Static variable in class taxman.MediaRecord
- Audio File Type
Static variable in class taxman.Minimax
- Board().
Constructor for class taxman.Board
- Default human starts
- Board(int).
Constructor for class taxman.Board
- Constructor only sets the initial player
- BorderPanel(Component, int, int, int, int, Color).
Constructor for class taxman.BorderPanel
- Constructor takes a component (to place the border around) and the size of the border
on each size and, finally, the color of the border.
- ButtonPanel(Game).
Constructor for class taxman.ButtonPanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the game control alias.
- changeOptionsScreen(boolean).
Method in class taxman.Game
- A method to update panels when the options button is pressed.
- ChoiceTable(Color, Image, Game).
Constructor for class taxman.ChoiceTable
- The constructor takes many parameters and builds up a table which
can respond to user clicks.
- CPU.
Static variable in class taxman.Board
- Identifies cpu turn
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- CPUUpdatePanel().
Constructor for class taxman.CPUUpdatePanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the layout.
- createTable(Board).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- Each grid uses the same method to create a new grid.
Static variable in class taxman.GatherTable
Static variable in class taxman.GameTable
Static variable in class taxman.GatherTable
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.GameTable
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- displayState().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Displays current state of board, score, and other things.
- drawFromLeft(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Draws the progress bar from left to right
- drawValue(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Draws the value of the progress bar (numerically)
- endBoardFill().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Ends the board filling phase, now a move can be made.
- EndCanvas(Image, Image, Image).
Constructor for class taxman.EndCanvas
- Creates a canvas on which to display the winning
or loosing message.
- evaluate().
Method in class taxman.Board
- The evaluation function for the board.
- file.
Variable in class taxman.MediaRecord
- The actual file, this is loaded by the MediaLoader
- fileName.
Variable in class taxman.MediaRecord
- The filename (including path) for the media file
- findBestMove().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Finds and returns the best move within the current ply.
- Game().
Constructor for class taxman.Game
- Constructor does nothing.
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- GameSound().
Constructor for class taxman.GameSound
- Sets initial values for sound frequency array (limits frequency of
phrase use
- GameTable().
Constructor for class taxman.GameTable
- Does nothing
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.AdvantagePanel
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.ButtonPanel
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.ChoiceTable
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.CPUUpdatePanel
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
This one handles CPU_MOVE, NEW_GAME.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.EndCanvas
- This is the common update method for all GameUpdate objects.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.GameSound
- This is the common update method for all GameUpdate objects.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- This is the common update method for all GameUpdate objects.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in interface taxman.GameUpdate
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.GatherTable
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.OptionsPanel
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
This one handles OPTIONS_OPEN.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.ScoreArea
- This is the common update method for all GameUpdate objects.
- gameUpdate(Board, Minimax, int).
Method in class taxman.SwapPanel
- The standard update method from GameUpdate
- GatherTable(Color, Image, Image, boolean).
Constructor for class taxman.GatherTable
- The constructor takes many parameters and builds up a table which
can respond to updates
- getAvailableMoves().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Retrieves a list of numerically ordered numbers that are available for choosing.
- getCPUScore().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the current CPU score
- getCurrentTurn().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the the player who has the current move.
- getCutoffs().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Gets the number of cutoffs made during last search.
- getEvaluations().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Gets the number of conditional checks made on evaluations.
- getFactorCount().
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns the number of factors for this TaxNumber.
- getFactors().
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns the list of factors of this number.
- getFloatValue().
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the current value of the progress bar as a float
- getHumanScore().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the current Human score
- getInsets().
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the current value of the spacing surrounding the progress bar
- getIntValue().
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the current value of the progress bar as an int
- getLastMove().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the last move made.
- getMaxDepth().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Returns the maximum depth traveled to in this evaluation set
- getMaxFloatValue().
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the maximum value of the progress bar as a float
- getMaxIntValue().
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the maximum value of the progress bar as an int
- getMediaItem(MediaRecord).
Method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- Retrieves the media item given by the media record.
- getMediaList().
Method in class taxman.GameSound
- Returns the list of media that this game sound control would
like loaded.
- getMove().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Returns the move as a TaxNumber
- getMoveAtIndex(int).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the move stored at the index i (the way this board stores moves
could be different from other boards, but the effect is the same)
- getNextIndexedMove(int).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Gets the next available move after the given index, n.
- getNumberOfAvailableMoves().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the number of available moves (just the number of choices the
the player has at this time)
- getPercievedAdvantage().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Gets the last player to evaluate's percieved advantage.
- getPlayer().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Returns the player Id for the player who made the move
- getPly().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Returns the current ply (depth) used in minimax search
- getTaxList().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Returns the vector of taxes collected on this move
- getValue().
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns the integer value of this TaxNumber.
- getWinner().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Returns the winner ID (if the game ended at this state
Static variable in class taxman.MediaRecord
- Graphic File type
Static variable in class taxman.Board
- Identifies human turn
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- init().
Method in class taxman.Taxman
- Initializes and sets up all UI components.
- isAFactor(int).
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns true if the number, n, is a factor of this TaxNumber.
- isAFactor(TaxNumber).
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns true if the number, n, is a factor of this TaxNumber.
- itemLoaded(MediaRecord).
Method in interface taxman.MediaObserver
- This methhod is over-ridden to recieve updates when
each item in a set is loaded.
- itemLoaded(MediaRecord).
Method in class taxman.Taxman
- Updates the screen when each image is loaded.
- loadingFinished(MediaRecord[]).
Method in interface taxman.MediaObserver
- The method over-ridden to recieve updates when an
entire set of media is loaded (i.e.
- loadingFinished(MediaRecord[]).
Method in class taxman.Taxman
- LoadPanel(int).
Constructor for class taxman.LoadPanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the layout.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class taxman.Board
- Test function.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class taxman.Minimax
- Minimax algorithm tester
- main(String[]).
Static method in class taxman.Taxman
- Testing function.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Testing fuinction
- makeCPUMove(int).
Method in class taxman.Game
- Makes a move for the CPU and alternates control to the human
- makeIndexedMove(int).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Makes ith possible move at this level.
- makeMove(int).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Makes the given move (chooses the number and gives the
tax numbers to the opponent).
- makeMove(TaxNumber).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Makes the given move (chooses the number and gives the
tax numbers to the opponent).
- MediaLoader().
Constructor for class taxman.MediaLoader
- This constructor is useful non-multithreading IMAGE loads from the local machine.
- MediaLoader(Applet).
Constructor for class taxman.MediaLoader
- This constructor is useful non-multithreading loads.
- MediaLoader(MediaRecord[], MediaObserver[]).
Constructor for class taxman.MediaLoader
- This constructor is useful for multi-threading.
- MediaLoader(MediaRecord[], MediaObserver[], Applet).
Constructor for class taxman.MediaLoader
- This constructor is useful for multi-threading.
- MediaRecord().
Constructor for class taxman.MediaRecord
- Default constructor does nothing
- MediaRecord(String, int).
Constructor for class taxman.MediaRecord
- Constructor initializes the values of the Media record
- Minimax(Board, int, boolean, Game).
Constructor for class taxman.Minimax
- Creates a minimax object with the given board and ply (search depth).
- mouseUp(Event, int, int).
Method in class taxman.ChoiceTable
- Again, using the old event model.
- Move(int, TaxNumber, Vector).
Constructor for class taxman.Move
- Creates a move out of a player, a number choice, and a vector of tax numbers.
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- newFile(String).
Method in class taxman.LoadPanel
- This method should be called every time a new file is
- newGame(boolean).
Method in class taxman.Game
- Control function to start a new game.
- numberChosen(int).
Method in class taxman.Game
- A panel can report that a number is chosen (by a human)
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- optionsChanged(boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean).
Method in class taxman.Game
- Called by the option setting panel, this function changes game options.
- OptionsPanel(Game).
Constructor for class taxman.OptionsPanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the layout.
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.EndCanvas
- Paints the final string and image on the canvas (centered)
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Paints the progress bar
- ProgressBar().
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Simplest constructor.
- ProgressBar(float, float).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- ProgressBar(float, float, boolean).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- ProgressBar(float, float, boolean, boolean).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- ProgressBar(int, int).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- ProgressBar(int, int, boolean).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- ProgressBar(int, int, boolean, boolean).
Constructor for class taxman.ProgressBar
- Lets you supply the intitial value and maximum value.
- quit().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Causes the algorithm to be halted and the thread
running the algorithm to exit.
- removeNumber(int).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- This method will remove the given number from the grid.
- removeNumber(TaxNumber).
Method in class taxman.Board
- Removes the given number from the list of available moves.
- retrieveAudio(String).
Method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- Retrieves an audio clip from the current document base using
the path and name given in Name.
- retrieveAudio(String, Applet).
Static method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- The static version of the non-static function of the same name.
- retrieveImage(String).
Method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- Retrieves a single image given by the current document base and
the path and file name in Name.
- retrieveImage(String, Applet, Component).
Static method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- The static version of the retrieve image, this method does the
same thing as it's non-static counterpart but does not require
an object instantiation to work.
- run().
Method in class taxman.MediaLoader
- For multi-threaded apps, this method allow the load process
to procede as a separate thread.
- run().
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Runs algorithm and reports back to the call-back object.
- ScoreArea().
Constructor for class taxman.ScoreArea
- This is the constructor and it creates layouts and lays
the panels/labels where they belong.
- scoreMade().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Returns the score made by the mover.
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.AdvantagePanel
- Over-ride base function to make sure colors are
propagated to the sub-components
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.ButtonPanel
- Over-rides setBackground to set the internal components
backgrounds to match
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.CPUUpdatePanel
- Over-rides setBackground to set the internal components
backgrounds to match
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.LoadPanel
- Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the
text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.OptionsPanel
- Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the
text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)
- setBackground(Color).
Method in class taxman.ScoreArea
- Over-rides the base function to allow reverse
video for the scores and dynamic pieces of the
score panel
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.AdvantagePanel
- Over-ride base function to make sure colors are
propagated to the sub-components
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.ButtonPanel
- Over-rides setForeground to set the internal components
foregrounds to match
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.CPUUpdatePanel
- Over-rides setForeground to set the internal components
foregrounds to match
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.LoadPanel
- Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the
text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.OptionsPanel
- Over-ride of the inherited function to keep the
text box and button text from changing color (they won't be clear)
- setForeground(Color).
Method in class taxman.ScoreArea
- Over-rides the base function to allow reverse
video for the scores and dynamic pieces of the
score panel
- setInsets(Insets).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Sets the spacing around the status bar
- setMaxValue(float).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Gets the current value of the progress bar as an int
- setMaxValue(int).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Sets the maximum value for this progress bar
- setNewGameLayout(Board).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- Creates the layout for this grid and enforces it by filling
it with invisible '0's which are overwritten by the real
numbers later.
- setPly(int).
Method in class taxman.Minimax
- Sets the search ply (depth) of the algorithm
- setValue(float).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Sets the value of the progress bar to some number < maximum value
- setValue(int).
Method in class taxman.ProgressBar
- Sets the value of the progress bar to some number < maximum value
Static variable in class taxman.Game
Static variable in class taxman.Game
- SwapPanel(Panel, Panel, Panel).
Constructor for class taxman.SwapPanel
- Initializes UI components and sets the layout.
- taxesCollected().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Returns the score made by the tax collector.
- Taxman().
Constructor for class taxman.Taxman
- The constructor creates a new game but does not
UI work.
- TaxNumber(int).
Constructor for class taxman.TaxNumber
- TitleArea(String, Color, Color).
Constructor for class taxman.TitleArea
- toString().
Method in class taxman.Move
- Standard toString function.
- toString().
Method in class taxman.TaxNumber
- Returns a string representation of the TaxNumber
- type.
Variable in class taxman.MediaRecord
- The type of media that is being loaded
- undoLastMove().
Method in class taxman.Board
- Undoes the last move, putting the board in the same state
it was in before last move.
- update(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.AdvantagePanel
- An over-ride of the update function to explicitely
repaint the progress bars (which don't seem to print otherwise)
- update(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.CPUUpdatePanel
- Over-rides the standard update function
This paints the screen and updates the diplay numbers
- update(Graphics).
Method in class taxman.GameTable
- This is the standard update function for components.