

Adding a risk information sheet

To add a sheet, click "Add a Sheet" and fill all the fields with your risk information. Click Save at the bottom of the form to add the sheet, or Cancel to not not add the current sheet.

Exporting to PDF

To export the project to PDF, there must be at least one risk information sheet. Click Export Project at the top of the page to open a new window with all the Risk Information Sheets and a download prompt will begin. If you save or if you cancel the download, the new tab will still remain and contains all your Risk Information Sheets for you to print or save as a PDF with your browser's settings.

Editing a RIS

To edit an existing Risk Information Sheet, open the target Risk Information Sheet and within will be an Edit button. After clicking the button, the form will drop down for you to edit the data.

Deleting an RIS

To delete an existing Risk Information Sheet, open the target Risk Information Sheet and within will be a Delete button. After clicking the button, a confirmation message will pop up to confirm deleting. If confirmed, RIS will be deleted.


Risk ID:

Each Risk Information Sheet created in the R.I.S. Builder needs a unique ID which is meant to uniquely identify a R.I.S.


The date on which the Risk was first identified and catalogued with the Risk Information Sheet Builder. The date is displayed in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.


This value indicates the relative Probability that the Project Risk will occur during the lifespan of the software. The Probability can be a value from 0 to 1 with two decimal places.


The Impact is a rating that indicates the possible effect on a Software Project in that case that the Risk occurs during completion of the Project. The value may be one of the following:
Very Low (Negligible): Almost no effect on Project.
Low (Marginal): Project time-line may be impacted, but not changed for the long-term.
High (Critical): The Project time-line requires major modifications to recover from the Risk.
Very High (Catastrophic): The Project is delayed indefinitely and cannot be completed.


The Project Description is a summary of the Risk. The Risk should be described in terms that any team member from the Software Project should be able to understand.


This section of the Risk Information Sheet should be used to summarize the circumstances, resources and other issues affecting the risk while refining the Risk Description by breaking it down into a list of Sub-Conditions.


Each Sub-Condition in the Refinement/Context section should describe an issue that contributes to the cause of the Risk.


The Mitigation/Monitoring section of the Risk Information Sheet presents a list of proposed actions to eliminate, ease or prevent the given software Risk. Each action is referred to as a Mitigation and Monitoring Step. Steps: The individual Mitigation and Monitoring steps that should be taken by the development team to eliminate or prevent the Risk before the Risk occurs.


The Management section gives details on how to deal with a Risk if it becomes a reality. The Management section includes two items: the Contingency Plan and the Trigger.


The Contingency is a detailed plan for the Project Team to act upon in the case that the described Risk occurs during the Software Project.


The Contingency Plan Trigger identifies the events that will indicate if the risk has materialized. The Trigger can serve as a litmus test when deciding whether to enact the Contingency Plan.

Current Status:

The Current Status is a list of updates describing the change of the Risk's status in terms of change in probability of key events or a change in the potential impact, etc. Each status update contains a Date and a Description.


The name of the Project Team Member who happened to stumble upon the never before seen risk.


The name of the unlucky Project Team Member who is responsible for examining the Risk and recommending mitigation.