Re-Use Calculator

By: Jonathan Coffer, Erika Junk, Ali Hassan

This program is designed to take metrics concerning the software being designed and calculate the different costs of using new, reused, and designing reused software. The input metrics of this program can be entered from your company’s historical data, or you can simply use the default metrics provided. The most beneficial calculated metric is the Organizational ROI. It determines the amount of money your company will save, or lose based on the software reuse efforts.

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New or Changed Source Instructions (LOC): Total Source Instructions (LOC):
Reused Source Instructions (LOC): Reuse %:
Source Instructions Written for Reuse by Others (LOC): Development Cost Avoidance (DCA):
New Development Cost ($/LOC): Service Cost Avoidance (SCA):
Relative Cost of Reuse (RCR): Reuse Cost Avoidance (RCA):
Relative Cost Writing Reuse (RCWR): Additional Development Cost (ADC):
Error Rate (errors/KLOC): Organizational ROI:
Cost per Error ($/Error):