1 Click on the game area to initialize the game interface.
2 Type the letter "n" or "N" to start a new game.
3 Move the gecko using the up, down, left and right arrows.
4 Shoot using the space bar.
5 Score by shooting the spiders or the gila monster.
6 Win the game by killing all of the creatures that would like to kill the gecko.
7 Type the letter "q" or "Q" to quit the current game.

Note: Avoid the tarantulas. They will kill the poor gecko.
Note: Avoid the gila monster. If it steps on the gecko, the gecko won't be able to move until it gets off the gecko.

All of the GIFs and some parts of the code came from:
"Internet Game Programming With Java"
By: Michael Morrison.

The source code.
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Click here to view the score history.