
 “Fun with Numbers” has three main stages.

The home page provides a link to each of these pages

            The first link

                                   Lets Learn our numbers-Provides the link that has a series of pages dedicated to all 

                     the number from 1-10.You can move to the preceding or succeeding number using the links

                     provided the left & right hand bottom corners prev and next.

                        The second link

                        Lets take a break- Provides a set of three pages dedicated to nursery rhymes. All the rhymes have lyrics and tunes. The tunes can be played using the media player. The media player has the basic three buttons, play, stop, and pause.

            The third link

                                                Ask me my numbers-An interactive set of the pages that provide the user with pictorial representations along with the corresponding question. The answer to each of the test page can be entered in the text boxes provided. Values can be entered in their numerical format or alphabetical format. However while using the alphabetical form of the answer enter the answer in the lower case.

                                    To submit the answer for evaluation click on the submit button.

             Home: At any time if the user wishes he/she could move to the home

             page or the main pages of the particular subsection using the link provided at

 the top right hand corner.