Java Sound:

This program relied heavily on the Java Sound package.

What is Java Sound? The Java Sound API specifies mechanisms for capturing, processing, and playing back audio and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data in a framework that promotes extensibility and flexibility.

Note: The use of the Java Sound Demo requires that one of the following tools is installed:

--The Java 2 Software Development Kit

--The Java Plug-in 1.3 to allow the use of applets on INTRANET (oops..) web pages.

The Javasound FAQ is located at

JavaTM Sound API is located at:

Java Sound Demo - Download zip [871 KB] This demo, updated to the Java 1.3 release, showcases how the Java Sound API can be used for controlling audio playback, audio capture, MIDI synthesis, and basic MIDI sequencing. It includes source code, and is designed to work with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.3 Release. Within the demo package is a sample HTML page, setup for an applet.

Download addresses:

The Java Sound API is now included with the JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v. 1.3 Release

The Java Plug-in 1.3 is located at (Note to developers: this also requires the use of the Java Plug-in 1.3 HTML converter)


Other Key web sites:

DejaNews lookup engine to usenet: This site was invaluable to troubleshooting weird error messages or development techniques.



Lee Corney

10 December, 2000