AUTHOR: Gazetova Jenia, CSC 525, Fall 2001
DESCRIPTION: This calculator tells you how fast you can download a file with your current connection speed. It can also be used to estimate how long it will take to download a web page that you are designing on various types of connections. BROWSER: IE 5
HOW TO USE: If you want to estimate the download time for a given file size, simply enter the file size in the calculator window (preferably using the calculator buttons), and click either KB or MB depending on the units that you have entered. Read your results in the Download Time Table. If you want to know how long it might take to load your gorgeous web page elaborately decorated with .jpegs, add up the sizes of all the files on your page by using '+' and '=' keys and then click either KB or MB.

Connection Hours Minutes Seconds
14.4 Kb
28.8 Kb
33.6 Kb
56 Kb
ISDN (64 Kb)
ISDN (128 Kb)
T1 (1.554 Mb)