Choose the destination from the dropdown menu that you would like to calculate travel to (all calculations are based on the Detroit city starting point).
Input the average miles per gallon that you get in the transportation vehicle (a valid mpg entry must be between 1 and 200 mpg).
Input the current gas price per gallon in US dollars (a valid price entry must be between .01 and 10.00 - and should not include the dollar sign i.e. 1.23).
Input the average speed in miles per hour that you plan to travel on your trip (a valid speed entry must be between 1 and 125 mph).
Click the Calculate button.
Results will be displayed showing you the miles to your destination, travel time, and gas cost in the corresponding fields under the calculate button.
Click the Reset button to clear the form.
Created By: Robert M. Fracassa - CIS 525 - Fall 2001
*Note: This has been tested and works best with Internet Explorer 5.5 and above and Netscape Navigator 6.0