Axis and Allies Odds Calculator - Help
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What is Axis and Allies?
Axis and Allies as a board game based on World War II. The Allies - Russia, United Kingdom, and the US engage the Axis powers - Germany and Japan. Each power owns a certain number of territories, which in turn generate a certain amount of income that can be used to buy military units. These units - infantry, armors, fighters, bombers, battleships, air craft carriers, transports, and submarines all have different costs, and fighting attributes. The Axis powers have a strong military, but a weak economy in the beginning of the game. The Allies, on the contrary, have a lot of money but not a lot of military units. The Allies must capture both Axis capitals in order to win. The Axis can either capture 2 of the 3 Allied capitals, or generate income greater than 84 in a single turn.
What does the odds calculator do?
This utility simulates a land-based battle in order to give the user some idea as to whether or not a particular attack would be in their best interest. The simulator executes a battle 250 times, and records the winner each time. In the end, it gives you the percent chance the attacker will destroy the defender.
How is the winner of a battle decided?
Battles consist of several rounds. Units are removed one round at a time until one or both sides have been destroyed. During a particular round, a player gets to roll 1 die for each unit they have remaining. That unit has an attack value and a defend value. If the die is less than or equal to that value, that unit scores a hit against the other side. At the end of a round, each player removes an amount of units equal to the number of hits. For the attakcer to win, he/she must destroy all opposing forces AND have at least one unit left.
What are the attack/defend ratings for units?
The attack and defend ratings for the units are as follows:
| Attack At | Defend At |
Infantry | 1 | 2 |
Armor | 3 | 2 |
Fighter | 3 | 4 |
Bomber | 4 | 1 |
AA Gun | - | 1 |
How does the AA gun work?
The AA gun is a special unit. The defender gets to fire the AA gun during the first round of a battle, before any other casualties are determined. The gun is fired once for every flying unit (fighter or bomber) used by the attacker. If the AA gun scores a hit (by rolling a 1), the attacker must immediatly remove a flying unit. Once AA air casualties are removed, that battle starts.
What do I type into the input boxes?
The input boxes are used to record the number of each type of unit involved in the battle for both sides. The value in the box must be an integer, and can be no greater than 100 (100 is the limit for the TOTAL number of units for the entire battle). This number was chosed to keep the execution time down to a reasonable number. Each side (attacker/defender) must have at least one unit involved in the battle. The user may either type the number directly into the input box, or use the up/down buttons to increment/decrement the value in the box.
What web browser is required to run the A & A Odds Calculator?
This utility has been designed for Netscape and Internet Explorer. The minimum version required for either browser is 4.0. One item of note is that for some reason, Internet Explorer runs the simulation up to 20 times faster than Netscape, and would therefore be recommended.
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