Animation Demonstration help
What will be displayed when the applet is started?
When the applet is started, it will display a polygon. The polygon has a node which is labelled.
The number of edges of the polygon equals the number of nodes.
If the param center is passed, then the fixed node will be displayed in red color and remaining nodes will be displayed in yellow color.
Note: You can only specify one node as the fixed node.
If the param center is not passed, then all the polygon nodes will be displayed in yellow color.
How to move randomly the nodes of the polygon?
Click on Move randomly button to move randomly the nodes of the polygon.
If the param center is passed, then the fixed node (red color)
will not be moved.
Other nodes will be moved randomly.
If the param center is not passed, then all the nodes will be moved randomly.
Note: Audio clip will be played after you click on "Move randomly".
How to shake the nodes of the polygon?
Click on Shake button to shake the nodes of the polygon.
If the param center is passed, then the fixed node (red color)
will not be shaked.
Other nodes will be shaked.
If the param center is not passed, then all the nodes will be shaked.
Note: Audio clip will be played after you click on "Shake".
How to display the length of the edges of the polygon?
Check the checkbox Stress to display the length of the edges of the polygon.
What happens if the checkbox Random is checked?
The polygon nodes can be moved randomly after a certain interval by checking the checkbox Random .
If the param center is passed, then the fixed node (red color)
will not be moved.
Other nodes will be moved.
If the param center is not passed, then all the nodes will be moved.
Note: Audio clip will be played after a regular interval after you check the checkbox Random
What happens if the mouse is pressed anywhere is an applet area?
If the mouse button is pressed anywhere in an applet area, then the nearest node will be moved
to a position where mouse has been pressed and the polygon will adjust accordingly.
What happens if the polygon node is dragged to a new position
with the mouse?
If the polygon node is moved to a new position with the help of a mouse, then after the mouse
button is released, the polygon will adjust itself to a new position.
For questions about animation demonstration, please e-mail