Andante Guitar Tuner
The guitar tuner is an aid to assist beginners and accomplished guitar players tune their instrument.
The tuner is based on the 440 hz reference for the key of "A". It uses digitized sound of a Martin Acoustic guitar. The tuner will only assist you in tuning a six string guitar. It can also be used to tune half of a twelve string guitar.
Using The Tuner
The tuner application displays the strings of a regular six string guitar. The strings are arranged such that the highest "E" string is located at the bottom of the graphic, with the remaining strings located above it. To begin tuning, it is advisable to start with the first "E, First" string and work your way up to the last string "E, Sixth". Click on the "E, First" button to produce the reference sound (note). Pluck the open "E, First" string of your guitar and adjust the guitar string knob to obtain an equivalent sound. Notice that the tuner graphic reflects the string being tuned. Once the string is in tune, move on to the next string "B, Second" and repeat the process.
If you just placed new strings on your guitar, please note that new strings stretch and you will have to repeat the process once or twice more.