CIS 488/588 Project 4
Winter 2008

For this assignment your team will need to create a beta prototype of your game that includes the addition of a significant intelligent game agent. You will need to revise your design document to include the sections in the outline below. You should use the Baldwin game design document and level design template as your detailed guide for the content.


·       Game Concept

·       Target Audience

·       Game Flow Summary

·       Look and Feel

·       Project Scope (use cases & requirements)

Game Mechanics

·        Game Play

·        Mechanics

·        Screen Flow

·        Game Options

·        Replaying/Saving

Story and Characters

·       Story and Narrative (flowchart)

·       Game World

·       Character Bibles

Level Summaries

·       Level Outline(s)

·       Training Level Details

User Interface

·       Visual System (screenshots)

·       Control System

·       Audio

·       Music

·       Sound Effects

·       Help System

Artificial Intelligence

·        Opponent AI

·        Enemy AI

·        Non-combat Characters

·        Friendly Characters

·        Support AI


·        Hardware

·        Software

·        Procedures and Standards


·       Concept Art

·       Characters

·       Environments

·       Cut Scenes


·        Schedule

·        Budget

·        Risk Analysis

Test Plans

·       Strategy

·       Schedule

The deliverables for this milestone include: draft design document, revised user manual, running prototype, and commented source listings. On 4-02-08, your team will participate in walkthroughs of your design document and play testing of your game prototype. Figure that you will have 15-20 minutes to discuss your design document and 20 minutes for play testing by your classmates. I will provide review forms that you team will need to upload to VLT after reviewing the other team’s games. You need to upload your revised game work products on 4-07-08.

Assigned: 3-10-08
Date due: 4-07-08