-*- mode:Text -*- Copyright 1992 Patrick H. Winston. All rights reserved. Version 1.1, transferred from master disk on 21 Jan 93 This file may reference other files containing copyrighted software. Any restrictions on the use of such software are described in the files containing that software. This file may be freely copied as long as this notice is kept intact. PURPOSE Provides program support for Chapter 20, Learning by Managing Multiple Models. Illustrates version space learning using allergies. PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENT 1 Examine the file version.exp. Run the version-space learning experiment by typing the following command to your lisp system: (load "version.exp") Alternatively, evaluate each Lisp expression in the file one at a time, noting what each does. PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENT 2 Change the result by editing allergy.lsp, making one of the samples both as a positive sample and as a negative sample. Run the version-space learning experiment again with your altered samples. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT Try the version-space learning experiment on a database of positive and negative samples describing your subjects, some of which you enjoyed. Determine if those that you enjoyed can be characterized by some combination of the properties you have used in your descriptions. MEDIUM-SCALE LISP PROJECT As it stands, the version-space learning program can only generalize by replacing a class name by a question mark, and it can only specialize by replacing a question mark by a class name. Improve the program by enabling it to handle class hierarchies. In particular, generalization should make use of all classes one-step up the hierarchy from the present class, and specialization should make use of all classes one-step down.