;;;; -*- mode:Lisp; package:user -*- ;;;; ;;;; Created: 15 March 1992 ;;;; Purpose: Test Reference File Just assimilated a positive example, (SAMS BREAKFAST FRIDAY CHEAP). Surviving generalizations: (? ? ? ?) Surviving specializations: (SAMS BREAKFAST FRIDAY CHEAP) Just assimilated a negative example, (LOBDELL LUNCH FRIDAY EXPENSIVE). Surviving generalizations: (SAMS ? ? ?) (? BREAKFAST ? ?) (? ? ? CHEAP) Surviving specializations: (SAMS BREAKFAST FRIDAY CHEAP) The example, (SAMS LUNCH SATURDAY CHEAP), may be positive or negative. Just assimilated a positive example, (SAMS LUNCH SATURDAY CHEAP). Surviving generalizations: (SAMS ? ? ?) (? ? ? CHEAP) Surviving specializations: (SAMS ? ? CHEAP) The example, (SAMS LUNCH SATURDAY CHEAP), matches all specializations; it must be a positive example. The example, (SARAHS BREAKFAST SUNDAY CHEAP), may be positive or negative. Just assimilated a negative example, (SARAHS BREAKFAST SUNDAY CHEAP). Surviving generalizations: (SAMS ? ? ?) Surviving specializations: (SAMS ? ? CHEAP) The example, (SARAHS BREAKFAST SUNDAY CHEAP), fails to match any generalizations; it must be a negative example. Just assimilated a negative example, (SAMS BREAKFAST SUNDAY EXPENSIVE). Surviving generalizations: (SAMS ? ? CHEAP) Surviving specializations: (SAMS ? ? CHEAP) Just converged on (SAMS ? ? CHEAP)! The example, (SAMS LUNCH SATURDAY CHEAP), matches all specializations; it must be a positive example. The example, (SARAHS BREAKFAST SUNDAY CHEAP), fails to match any generalizations; it must be a negative example.