-*- mode:Text -*- Copyright 1992 Patrick H. Winston. All rights reserved. Version 1.1, transferred from master disk on 21 Jan 93 This file may reference other files containing copyrighted software. Any restrictions on the use of such software are described in the files containing that software. This file may be freely copied as long as this notice is kept intact. PURPOSE Provides program support program support for Chapter 13, Logic and Resolution Proof. Illustrates theorem proving using birds and blocks. REMARKS The resolution theorem prover provided assumes that all expressions have been converted already to clause form. See the resolve.exp file for examples illustrating the required format. Also, the breadth-first strategy is used for picking clauses to resolve. You will be horrified at the number of clauses produced on one of the sample problems. PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENT 1 Examine the file resolve.exp. Run the search experiments by typing the following command to your lisp system: (load "resolve.exp") Alternatively, evaluate each Lisp expression in the file one at a time, noting what each does. Be horrified. PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENT 2 Run the resolution theorem prover with other axiom sets. SMALL-SCALE LISP PROJECT Modify the program so that no duplicate clauses are kept. MEDIUM-SCALE LISP PROJECT Implement alternative strategies for controlling resolution such as unit preference and set-of-support. LARGE-SCALE LISP PROJECT Implement the necessary machinery to convert a list of axioms and a theorem into clause form.