#include #include #include #include // This program is a crude implementation of the AlphaBeta // algorithm found in Kreutzer & MacKenzie p. 233. const True = 1; const False = 0; const MaxNum = 2; //node degree const NumPly = 4; //search ply const Root = 1; //start search at this location const Index = 51; typedef float Tree[Index]; //simulated game tree typedef int State; typedef int Ply; typedef int ListIndex; typedef float List[MaxNum]; //state siblings Tree T; //game tree declaration void Init(Tree &T) // Build dummy game tree. { int I; for (I = 16; I <= 31; I++) //blank out 4-ply leaf nodes T[I] = 0.0; } float Eval(State S) //Compute value of state S. { return random(101); } int Terminal(State S) //Stub function to check S for succesor states. { return False; } float Max(float X, float Y) // Returns maximum of X and Y. { if (X > Y) return X; else return Y; } float Min(float X, float Y) //Returns minimum of X and Y. { if (X < Y) return X; else return Y; } State Child(State S, ListIndex I) //Compute I-th successor of state S. { return MaxNum * S + I - 1; } int MachineMove(Ply N) //Checks to see if it is computer's move in this ply. { return !(N % 2); //odd moves are computers } float AlphaBeta(State S, Ply N, float Alpha, float Beta) //Recusively score state S using evaluation function Eval //and an N - Ply state space graph. { State Next; ListIndex I; float V, Value, BestScore; List L; //successors of S at this level if ((N == 0) || Terminal(S)) { Value = Eval(S); T[S] = Value; //record values only to confirm cut offs if (Value > 100) //machine win return MAXINT; else if (Value < -100) //machine loss return -MAXINT; else if (Value == 0) //draw return 0; else return Value; } else { if (MachineMove(N)) //program's move BestScore = Alpha; else BestScore = Beta; I = 1; while (I <= MaxNum) { Next = Child(S, I); V = AlphaBeta(Next, N - 1, Alpha, Beta); if (MachineMove(N)) //program's move { BestScore = Max(V, BestScore); Alpha = BestScore; if (Alpha >= Beta) { BestScore = Beta; I = MaxNum; //prune remaining S successors } } else { BestScore = Min(V, BestScore); Beta = BestScore; if (Alpha >= Beta) { BestScore = Alpha; I = MaxNum; //prune remaining S successors } } I = I + 1; } return BestScore; } } void main( ) { randomize(); Init(T); cout << "Value = " << AlphaBeta(Child(Root, 1), NumPly - 1, -MAXINT, MAXINT) << "\n"; cout << "Value = " << AlphaBeta(Child(Root, 2), NumPly - 1, -MAXINT, MAXINT) << "\n"; }