Intelligent Search for Artificial Intelligence (CIS 479)

(some diagrams are included in the word document that are not posted on the web page, the diagrams did not convert all that great)

State Space Search

This is used in the following situations

  1. Game Playing (1)

2. Branch & Bound (2)

3. Generate & Test

  1. Genetic Algorithms


You have a four-gallon jug and a three-gallon jug and the goal is to come up with exactly two gallons of water.

Directed Graph (This is the best way to show the solution for this problem)

(0 0) à (4 0) (0 3))

(4 0) à (( 4 3) (0 0) (1 3))

(0 3) à ((4 3) (3 0) (0 0))

(1 3) à (1 0) (4 3))

Knowledge Representation !

  1. Make important things clear /explicit
  2. Expose natural constraints
  3. Must be complete
  4. Concise
  5. Transparent / Easily understood
  6. Information needs to be retrieved / stored quickly
  7. Detail suppressed
  8. Should be computable using existing procedures


There are four items a farmer, wold, goose, and corn. The farmer can only take one item across the river at a time.


  1. the wolf will eat the goose if left alone
  2. the goose will eat the corn if left alone

F = Farmer

W = Wolf

G = Goose

C = Corn

R = River

Step One: F - W – G - C – R

Step Two: W – C – R – F – G

Step Three: F – W – C – R – G

Step Four: C – R – F – W – G

Step Five: F – C – G – R – W


Step Four: W – R – F – G – C

Step Five: F – G – W – R – C

Step Six: G – R – F – W – C

Step Seven: F – G – R – W – C

Step Eight: R – F – W – G – C

Control Strategy

  1. Need to have forward motion
  2. Needs to be systematic

Heuristics – trade speed for completeness

Any path?

Shortest path?

Any Path?

  1. Depth First Search
  2. Hill Climbing
  3. Best First Search
  4. Breadth First Search
  5. Beam Search


S à A,B

A à S,B,F

B à S,A,C

F à A,C

C à B,F


Depth First Search

  1. Add root to queue of partial paths
  2. Until queue is empty or goal is attained
  3. If the first queue element equals the goal do nothing

    Else remove the first queue element and add its children to the front of the queue of the partial paths

  4. If the goal is attained success will be announced, if failure it will be announced


((A S) (B S))

((B A S) (F A S) (B S))

(( C B A S) (F A S) (B S))

(( F C B A S) (F A S) (B S))

(S A B C F)


Breath First Search

  1. Add root to queue of partial paths
  2. Until queue is empty or goal is attained
  3. If the first queue element equals the goal do nothing

    Else remove the first queue element and add its children to the rear of the queue of the partial paths

  4. If the goal is attained success will be announced, if failure it will be announced


((A S) (B S))

((B S) (B A S) (F A S))

((B A S) ( F A S) (A B S) (C B S))

((F A S) (A B S) (C B S) (C B A S))

(S A F)

When this works and when it does not?

Hill Climbing

  1. Add root to queue of partial paths
  2. Until queue is empty or goal is attained

If the first queue element equals the goal do nothing

Else remove the first queue element and sort and add its children to the front of the queue of the partial paths

(3) If the goal is attained success will be announced, if failure it will be announced


((A S) (B S))

((F A S) (B A S) (B S))

(S A F)


  1. foothills – goal is to go up, it does not like to go back down after it has gone up
  2. plateau
  3. Ridge Problem


(sort `(1 2 3 4) ` >)

(4 3 2 1)

(sort ‘(1 2 3 4) ‘ <)

(sort ‘(1 2 3 4) ‘(closerp)) ; line 113 on code handout


Beam Search

Look at n best paths to the goal. ( you pick any number you want for n)

In this example we picked the number three. Here we look at the first level from left to right all the way across and then move to the next level and then the next.


((A S) (B S))

((F A S) (C B S) (A B S) (B A S)

(S A F)


Best First Search

  1. Root on the queue
  2. Until the queue is empty or the goal in front
  3. If front (Q) equals goal then do nothing

    Else remove first node and add the children to the front and then sort the queue by the remaining distance.

  4. If goal on the queue then success.


((A S) (B S))

((F A S) (B A S) (B S))

(S A F)

Optimal Solutions

British museum search

Branch & Bound

  1. Root on the queue
  2. Until queue empty or goal is in the front
  3. If front (Q) equals goal then do nothing

    Else remove the first node and sort the queue by cost

  4. If goal on queue then success else failure


((A S) (B S))

((B S) (B A S) (F A S))

((A B S) (F A S) (C B S) (B A S))

((B A S) (F A S) (C B S) (F A B S))

((F A S) (F C B S) (F A B S) (C B A S))

(S A F)

Branch & Bound With Under Estimator

  1. Root in queue
  2. Until queue empty or goal in the front
  3. If front (Q) equals goal then do nothing

    Else remove first root and add the children to the front sort queue by the cost estimator

  4. If goal is on queue then success

Else failure


((A S) (B S))

((F A S) (B S) (B A S))

(S A F)

Branch & Bound with Dynamic Programming and Remove Duplicates

  1. Root in queue
  2. Until queue empty or goal in the front
  3. If front (Q) equals goal then do nothing

    Else remove first root and add the children to the front sort queue and use the cost estimator and remove duplicates

  4. If goal is on queue then success

Else failure


((A S) (B S))

((B S) (F A S))

((A B S) (F A S) (C B S))

((C B S) (F A S))

((F A S))

((S A F))


Branch & Bound with Dynamic Programming, Under Estimator and Remove Duplicates

  1. Root in queue
  2. Until queue empty or goal in the front
  3. If front (Q) equals goal then do nothing

    Else remove first root and add the children to the front sort queue using cost estimation and remove duplicate paths

  4. If goal is on queue then success

Else failure


((A S) (B S))

((F A S) (B S))

((F A S))

Heuristic Search Summary