GPS - General Problem Solver

means / ends analysis


GPS Algorithm

  1. Form a queue with current state
  2. Until queue is empty or goal reached
  1. If goal state found turn announce success else announce failure


Domain areas that can cause GPS problems

  1. Clobbered sibling problem -- this focuses on short term, and is not looking at the big picture
  2. Leap before you look problem -- this is when you jump off the cliff before you decide if you can land safe
  3. Recursive sub-goal problem -- VCR setup tape to set up your VCR
  4. Lack of intermediate feedback -- announce failure without thinking
  5. Adding look ahead - not looking after you leap
  6. lack of descriptive power
  7. Perfect information required
  8. Interacting problem goals (co-routines)


SOAR - derived from GPS

SOAR - Automatic Preference Analyzer