Planning for Artificial Intelligence (CIS 479)

Planning - Intelligent behavior

"Which operator do we choose next?"

goal - to acquire television set you have three operators

    1. steal the TV set
    2. earn money for the TV
    3. buy the TV

              goal: acquire TV
            /            | and \
goal: steal    goal: earn       goal: buy           
      TV             money            TV

Goal Reduction

  1. Initialiaze graph to starting edge
  2. Loop until starting node is solved or until cost exceeds utility
  1. Traverse graph using current best path and keep track of nodes on path not solved or not expanded
  2. Pick on unexpanded node
  3. if no successor then assign futility as node value

    else add node successors to graph

    f(x) = y(x) + n(x)

    f'(x) = f''(x) = 0

  4. Update f'(?) of newly expanded node based on successor values
  1. Important to make plan finding efficient
  2. Good for top-level programing

How do you know when to choose a given operator / procedure?

Frame problem - how much detail do you want to record.