Planning for Artificial Intelligence (CIS 479)
Planning - Intelligent behavior
- looking ahead
- well defined set of operators
- easily determined states
"Which operator do we choose next?"
- what is the best way to get to the destination? (coordinate operators)
goal - to acquire television set you have three operators
- steal the TV set
- earn money for the TV
- buy the TV
goal: acquire TV
/ | and \
goal: steal goal: earn goal: buy
TV money TV
Goal Reduction
- Initialiaze graph to starting edge
- Loop until starting node is solved or until cost exceeds utility
- Traverse graph using current best path and keep track of nodes on path not solved or not expanded
- Pick on unexpanded node
if no successor then assign futility as node value
else add node successors to graph
f(x) = y(x) + n(x)
f'(x) = f''(x) = 0
- Update f'(?) of newly expanded node based on successor values
- Important to make plan finding efficient
- Good for top-level programing
How do you know when to choose a given operator / procedure?
- pre-condition
- post-condition
Frame problem - how much detail do you want to record.
- record only relevant information to task at hand (OR)
- keep track of everything