The Simula Programming Language

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History | Significant Language Features | Areas of Application | Sample Programs
Related Links | Printed References | Acknowledgments


The SIMULA programming language was designed and built by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard at the Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Olslo between 1962 and 1967. It was originally designed and implemented as a language for discrete event simulation, but was later expended and reimplemented as a full sacle general purpose programming language.

Significant Language Features

Although SIMULA is an extension of the programming language ALGOL 60, it is not a true extension of it. SIMULA retains the spirit of ALGOL 60 and includes that language as a subset, except for some monor exceptions. The following changes were made to the Kernel:

Areas of Application

Although SIMULA never became widely used, the language has been highly influential on modern programming methodololy. Among other things SIMULA introduced important Object-Oriented programming concepts like classes and objects, inheretance and dynamic binding. But it is mainly used in the area of:

Sample Programs

Related Links

Printed References

  1. Birtwistle, G.M. (Graham M.) 1973. SIMULA begin. Philadelphia, Auerbach.
  2. Sebesta, Robert (1996). Concepts of Programming Languages. Addison-Wesley Publishing, CA.


The Hello world! program was written with the help of the
Hello, World Page!.
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