Source Code
;; Gambit-specific compile options
; (ieee-scheme)
; (standard-bindings)
; (lambda-lift)
; (block)
; (fixnum))
(define (SUBSTRING-SEARCH-MAKER pattern-string)
(define NUM-CHARS-IN-CHARSET 256) ;; Update this, e.g. for ISO Latin 1
(define (BUILD-SHIFT-VECTOR pattern-string)
(let* ( (pat-len (string-length pattern-string))
(shift-vec (make-vector num-chars-in-charset (+ pat-len 1)))
(max-pat-index (- pat-len 1))
(let loop ( (index 0) )
(vector-set! shift-vec
(char->integer (string-ref pattern-string index))
(- pat-len index)
(if (< index max-pat-index)
(loop (+ index 1))
) ) )
(let ( (shift-vec (build-shift-vector pattern-string))
(pat-len (string-length pattern-string))
(lambda (target-string)
(let* ( (tar-len (string-length target-string))
(max-tar-index (- tar-len 1))
(max-pat-index (- pat-len 1))
(let outer ( (start-index 0) )
(if (> (+ pat-len start-index) tar-len)
(let inner ( (p-ind 0) (t-ind start-index) )
((> p-ind max-pat-index) ; nothing left to check
#f ; fail
((char=? (string-ref pattern-string p-ind)
(string-ref target-string t-ind))
(if (= p-ind max-pat-index)
start-index ;; success -- return start index of match
(inner (+ p-ind 1) (+ t-ind 1)) ; keep checking
((> (+ pat-len start-index) max-tar-index) #f) ; fail
(outer (+ start-index
(vector-ref shift-vec
(string-ref target-string
(+ start-index pat-len)
) ) ) ) ) )
) ; end-cond
) ) )
) ) ; end-lambda
) )