The Scheme Programming Language

Sorting Example Program

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Many Scheme systems provide some kind of sorting functions. They do not, however, always provide the same sorting functions. Because sort and sort! are not in the standard, there is very little agreement about what these functions look like. Each of the five functions has a required *last* parameter which is a comparison function. A comparison function f is a function of 2 arguments which acts like <. For example, (not (f x x)) (and (f x y) (f y z)) => (f x z) The standard functions <, >, char?, char-ci?, string?, string-ci? are suitable for use as comparison functions. Think of (less? x y) as saying when x must *not* precede y. (sorted? sequence less?) returns #t when the sequence argument is in non-decreasing order according to less? (that is, there is no adjacent pair ... x y ... for which (less? y x)) returns #f when the sequence contains at least one out-of-order pair. It is an error if the sequence is neither a list nor a vector. (merge list1 list2 less?) This merges two lists, producing a completely new list as result. (merge! list1 list2 less?) merges two lists, re-using the pairs of list1 and list2 to build the result. If the code is compiled, and less? constructs no new pairs, no pairs at all will be allocated. The first pair of the result will be either the first pair of list1 or the first pair of list2, but you can't predict which. (sort sequence less?) accepts either a list or a vector, and returns a new sequence which is sorted. The new sequence is the same type as the input. Always (sorted? (sort sequence less?) less?). The original sequence is not altered in any way. The new sequence shares its _elements_ with the old one; no elements are copied. (sort! sequence less?) returns its sorted result in the original boxes. If the original sequence is a list, no new storage is allocated at all. If the original sequence is a vector, the sorted elements are put back in the same vector. Note that these functions do NOT accept a CL-style ":key" argument. A simple device for obtaining the same expressiveness is to define (define (keyed less? key) (lambda (x y) (less? (key x) (key y)))) and then, when you would have written (sort a-sequence #'my-less :key #'my-key) in Common Lisp, just write (sort! a-sequence (keyed my-less? my-key)) in Scheme.

Source Code

;;; (sorted? sequence less?)
;;; is true when sequence is a list (x0 x1 ... xm) or a vector #(x0 ... xm)
;;; such that for all 1 <= i <= m,
;;;      (not (less? (list-ref list i) (list-ref list (- i 1)))).

(define (sorted? seq less?)
         ((null? seq)
         ((vector? seq)
             (let ((n (vector-length seq)))
                 (if (<= n 1)
                     (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
                         ((or (= i n)
                              (less? (vector-ref seq (- i 1))
                                     (vector-ref seq i)))
                             (= i n)) )) ))
             (let loop ((last (car seq)) (next (cdr seq)))
                 (or (null? next)
                     (and (not (less? (car next) last))
                          (loop (car next) (cdr next)) )) )) ))

;;; (merge a b less?)
;;; takes two lists a and b such that (sorted? a less?) and (sorted? b less?)
;;; and returns a new list in which the elements of a and b have been stably
;;; interleaved so that (sorted? (merge a b less?) less?).
;;; Note:  this does _not_ accept vectors.  See below.

(define (merge a b less?)
         ((null? a) b)
         ((null? b) a)
         (else (let loop ((x (car a)) (a (cdr a)) (y (car b)) (b (cdr b)))
             ;; The loop handles the merging of non-empty lists.  It has
             ;; been written this way to save testing and car/cdring.
             (if (less? y x)
                 (if (null? b)
                     (cons y (cons x a))
                     (cons y (loop x a (car b) (cdr b)) ))
                 ;; x <= y
                 (if (null? a)
                     (cons x (cons y b))
                     (cons x (loop (car a) (cdr a) y b)) )) )) ))

;;; (merge! a b less?)
;;; takes two sorted lists a and b and smashes their cdr fields to form a
;;; single sorted list including the elements of both.
;;; Note:  this does _not_ accept vectors.

(define (merge! a b less?)
    (define (loop r a b)
         (if (less? (car b) (car a))
                 (set-cdr! r b)
                 (if (null? (cdr b))
                     (set-cdr! b a)
                     (loop b a (cdr b)) ))
             ;; (car a) <= (car b)
                 (set-cdr! r a)
                 (if (null? (cdr a))
                     (set-cdr! a b)
                     (loop a (cdr a) b)) )) )
         ((null? a) b)
         ((null? b) a)
         ((less? (car b) (car a))
             (if (null? (cdr b))
                 (set-cdr! b a)
                 (loop b a (cdr b)))
         (else ; (car a) <= (car b)
             (if (null? (cdr a))
                 (set-cdr! a b)
                 (loop a (cdr a) b))

;;; (sort! sequence less?)
;;; sorts the list or vector sequence destructively.  It uses a version
;;; of merge-sort invented, to the best of my knowledge, by David H. D.
;;; Warren, and first used in the DEC-10 Prolog system.  R. A. O'Keefe
;;; adapted it to work destructively in Scheme.

(define (sort! seq less?)
    (define (step n)
             ((> n 2)
                 (let* ((j (quotient n 2))
                        (a (step j))
                        (k (- n j))
                        (b (step k)))
                     (merge! a b less?)))
             ((= n 2)
                 (let ((x (car seq))
                       (y (cadr seq))
                       (p seq))
                     (set! seq (cddr seq))
                     (if (less? y x) (begin
                         (set-car! p y)
                         (set-car! (cdr p) x)))
                     (set-cdr! (cdr p) '())
             ((= n 1)
                 (let ((p seq))
                     (set! seq (cdr seq))
                     (set-cdr! p '())
                 '()) ))
    (if (vector? seq)
         (let ((n (vector-length seq))
               (vector seq))                     ; save original vector
             (set! seq (vector->list seq))       ; convert to list
             (do ((p (step n) (cdr p))           ; sort list destructively
                  (i 0 (+ i 1)))                         ; and store elements back
                 ((null? p) vector)              ; in original vector
                 (vector-set! vector i (car p)) ))
         ;; otherwise, assume it is a list
         (step (length seq)) ))

;;; (sort sequence less?)
;;; sorts a vector or list non-destructively.  It does this by sorting a
;;; copy of the sequence
(define (sort seq less?)
    (if (vector? seq)
         (list->vector (sort! (vector->list seq) less?))
         (sort! (append seq '()) less?)))

Program Notes

You may have to rename some of the these functions in order to use them in a system which already provides incompatible or inferior sorts. For each of the functions, only the top-level define needs to be edited to do that. This code was the original idea of D.H.D. Warren. It was authored by Richard A. O'Keefe, June 11, 1991.
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Last modified: 01:30 PM on 11/25/1996