Prolog Programming Language

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Prolog (PROgramming LOGic) rose within the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It originally became popular with AI researchers, who know more about "what" and "how" intelligent behaviour is achieved. The philosopy behind it deals with the logical and declarative aspects. Prolog represents a fundamentally new approach to computing and became a serious competitor to LISP.

Significant Language Features

Prolog is a rich collection of data structures in the language and human reasoning, and a powerful notation for encoding end-user applications. It has its logical and declarative aspects, interpretive natur, compactness, and inherent modularity.

Areas of Application

Prolog is the highest level general-purpose language widely used today. It is taught with a strong declarative emphasis on thinking of the logical relations between objects or entities relevant to a given problem, rather than on procedural steps necessary to solve it. The system decides the way to solve the problem, including the sequences of instructions that the computer must go through to solve it. It is easier to say what we want done and leave it to the computer to do it for us. Since a major criterion in the commercial world today is speed of performance, Prolog is an ideal prototyping language. Its concept makes use of parallel architectures. It solves problems by searching a knowledge base (or more correctly a database) which would be greatly improved if several processors are made to search different parts of the database.

Sample Programs

Related Links

Printed References

  1. Kim, Steven H. (1991). Knowledge Systems through Prolog. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.
  2. Moss, Chris. (1994). Prolog++: The power of Object-Oriented and Logic Programming. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc.


The Example program was written by the author Steven H. Kim. The information above were taken from several authors, such as Chris Moss, Steven Kim to name a few. .

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Last modified: 02:21 PM on 12/16/1997
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