CIS 400  Class Project
                                Fall 1996
    Your final exam grade will consist of three parts: participation in (and 
successful deployment of) the class project described in this handout (25%), 
an individual oral presentation on a topic approved by me (25%), and a short 
exam given the last day of class (50%).

     The class project is to consist of a series of web pages describing 
significant languages used in the field of computing. This set of languages 
is to include at least the following:

  Fortran, Cobol, PL/I, Pascal, C, C++, Ada, Lisp, 
  Smalltalk, Basic, Modula-2, Algol, APL, Snobol, Icon,
  Prolog, Simula, Scheme, Eifel, Oberon, Visual Basic,
  Visual C++, Perl, Java, Delphi, HTML

     I have attached a sample write-up on Fortran which was prepared by 
Mr. Ed Williams.
If he grants you permission, you might be able to include his write-up in your 
project. What I want to see included in each language page is:

  significant language features (e.g. why is this animportant language), 
  important application areas, 
  samples of working source code for 2 or 3 small programs 
  (they should be common to each language subset), 
  links to courses that make use of the language at UM-Dearborn, 
  standard text references for the language, 
  and links to related web resources (libraries, organizations, etc).

     These web pages are to be installed on the CIS web page no latter than 
December 1, 1996. Hardcopy of project and team member evaluations are due by 
December 1, 1996 as well.

     Your class is to organize into working teams of no more than 6 to 8 
people each. Team members are to rate the participation of each team member 
(0=none to 5=great). Each rating must be accompanied by a list of tasks 
completed. Overall team performance will be evaluated by the class project 
committee (4 students selected by the class).

      Students not wishing to participate on the class project will be 
expected write a 10 to 15 page term paper on a programming languages topics 
approved by me. Due date will be December 1, 1996.