CIS 400 Lecture 9


Functional programming, (skipping chapter 5 for now, will come back to it)


Sequence control

·        Used in expressions, (e.g. Precedence rules, parenthesis)

·        Between statements or blocks, (e.g. Iteration and conditionals)

·        Between sub-programs, (e.g. Calls)


Control sequences

·        Implied, (physical statement order)

·        Explicit, (parenthesis or goto's)




Root = -b ± (b2-4ac)1/2



In Fortran:


Root  = ( -b + Sqrt ( b**2 - 4*a*c))/2*a


In some instances, parenthesis are essential, in other they are not.

(a + b)*(c - a)   in-fix notation

* + a b - c a      pre-fix notation

a b + c a - *      post-fix notation





What is the difference between unary and binary minus?

(i.e. how does "-b" and "b2-4ac" in the quadratic formula differ in terms of language definition?)


Tree representation: issues

-a * b + c  in-fix notation

·        Binary vs. unary operator confusion

·        Precedence rules

·        Associativity

v      left to right 

v     right to left, (eliminates the need for parenthesis for the "2a" in the denominator of the quadratic)

·        Operators with varying number of operands, ( i.e. (+ 2 3 4))

Problem areas:

·        Uniform evaluation-once a tree is formed, all operands are treated equally

·        Side effects:





·        Error conditions: arithmetic over- or under-flow, (i.e. 4/ (200 * 10,000,000))

·        Short circuited boolean evaluation:

(a = 0) OR (b / a > c) in short circuit evaluation, the "OR" is evaluated until a "true" is found.


With full boolean evaluation, the "b/a", where a = 0, is evaluated first. This results in a run-time error.


With an "and", the first "false" stops evaluation.


Statement level control structures:

·        Composition, (sequence)


     Block statements




·        Alternating (conditional statements)

v     If-then/else or case, (switch)

"dangling else" issue:


if x = 3  then

   y = 5

if x = 5 then

   y = 6

else y = 7   // WHICH "IF" GETS THE "ELSE"?


in C++ {} is used to define where the else belongs



v     If-then/else or case, (switch) continued





Case design issues:

·        What type of selector expression?

·        What types of case labels?

·        Can you branch to case labels from outside?


·        Mutually exclusive labels?

·        Exhaustive label case coverage? ("default", etc.)




Iteration issues:




Perform {body} k times


How often is k evaluated?

If k is re-evaluated, when?

Can k < 0?



·        When is termination test made?

·        When are the loop expression variables evaluated?


(Pre and post test loops)



Counter incrementing loop:


do  i = start to end by increment until (cond)





Is this pre- or post-test evaluation?

In Fortran 4 it was post-test!!

In Fortran 77 it was pre-test!!


When is i evaluated?

Can "start" or "end" be altered?