Lecture #3

CIS400   9/15/99


Language evaluation cont.


per Tucker:

·        Expressivity- readability

·        Well defined- syntax, semantics

·        Data types & structures

·        Modularity

·        I/O facilities

·        Portability

·        Efficiency

·        Pedagogy- easy to teach & learn

·        Generality- useful in wide range of applications


per Sebesta:

·        Readability :

-    Simplicity

-         Orthogonality

-         Control statements

-         Data structures

-         Syntax

·        Writeability:

-         Simplicity

-         Orthogonality

-         Support for abstraction

·        Reliability:

-         Type checking

-         Exception handling

-         Readability/ writeability

-         Aliasing – 2 different ways to refer to the same spot in memory/storage

·        Cost:

-         Training

-         Code development

-         Compilation

-         Execution

-         Maintenance


Language design


per Hoare:

·        Focus on one well known feature at a time, (could be basic as data       type)

·        Examine many alternative features designed by others & choose the best, rejecting those that are inconsistent


per Horowitz:

·        Choose specific application (logic, financial, etc.)

·        Keep design committee small

·        Choose precise design goals

·        Release versions to small sets of interested people

·        Revise language definition

·        Attempt to build compiler & write formal language definition- semantics

·        Revise language definition

·        Produce clear and concise manual

·        Provide "production quality" compiler and wide distribution

·        Write primers explaining language


Language processors


·        Computers- integrated set of algorithms & data structures capable of storing and executing programs


·        Composite        ® actual (hardware) computer-wires and circuits

·        Computer         ® software simulated computer


programming language is implemented by developing a translator capable of transforming programs in one language into machine language of some computer where it can be executed correctly




·        Instructions- represent state transition via program execution

·        You have a choice: implement with hardware, (quick yet inflexible)

                              implement with software, (slow and flexible)






Operations: Sequence control how do we decide which instruction to take next

Note: control sequence changes accomplished by the program address register



·        Fetch op code

·        De-code op code

·        Fetch necessary operands

·        Branch to primitive (OPk)

·        Then repeat until the end of the program




Each level supported by the level below it:


level 5          problem oriented language

                    translated by compiler


level 4          assembly language level

                   translated by assembly



level 3          operating system

                   partial interpretation by OS


level 2          conventional machine language

                   interpreted by micro-program


level 1          micro-programming

                   directly executed by hardware


level 0          digital logic

                   gates & transistors,

                   program address registers





·        Translation: program written for level n machine translated to level 1 machine

·        Advantages:

                   -statements decoded ONCE

                   -efficient execution

·        Disadvantages:

                   -space consumption


·        Interpretation: program written for level n + 1 is executed on level n machine

·        Advantages:

                   -space conservation

·        Disadvantages:





·        Compiler: high level® machine

·        Assembler: one to one, assembly ® machine

·        Loader: relocatable version of machine code ® machine code

·        Link editor: combines collections of relocatable programs ® single relocatable machine program

·        Pre-processor: extended language ® standard language