Lecture #1

CIS 400  9/8/99


(Sebasta Chapter 2)


IBM/ Backus  (of Backus-Naur form)



1° concern- Efficiency- object code


Fortran 0- designed 1954

Page 44 of text




1960 Fortran IV

page 47 of text


Column #



7 – 72

73 - 80




Source code

Sequence fields



1963 Naur developed Algol 60 ('root' for Pascal, PL/1, Ada)

page 55 of text



What is an "Algol-like" language?


C                      Algol lexical scope



            need order


also see page 39 of text


Applicative language- functional






·         IBM in its wisdom gave away FORTRAN with all its new computers creating wide spread support for FORTRAN and undermining Algol support

·         Both type-checking and scope was not so good in Algol, this resulted in reduced reliability

·         Industry preferred Fortran, academics preferred Algol



Page 61 of text


·         1959 Dept. of Defense wanted a single language

·         1960 Remington (Rand) developed the first compilers

·         Machine independent

·         General if/then else

·         'Noise' words (almost English-like, so lowly accountants could follow programs i.e. they didn’t have to know how to program to know what the code represented)



Page 73 of text

IBM 1960 (Ken Iverson)



·         Very compact notation for computation

·         Provided for much matrix manipulation

·         NOT Algol-like in nature

·         Originally built to describe specifications of IBM360



Page 49 of text


Developed at MIT, (and others) by John McCarthy, (graduate instructor of Dr. Modesitt!!) AI is its application domain


·         Symbolic expression, able to manipulate variable names like variable values (i.e. pointer arithmetic)

·         Uniform representation for expression  (dataºcode) executable data structures.

·         New form of conditional expression (similar to "switch" statements)

·         Pre-fix expressions- operator followed by arguments

·         Recursion more widely used

·         "Garbage collection"  used for data management

·         A "linked-list" type of structure is the basic structure in LISP