
·        Address of some kind

·        Operations: creation, destruction, selection, equality testing



·        Refer to data object of same type

·        Point to any data type


Representation of address:

·        "absolute" address-actual location in memory

·        Alternatively, it might be an offset from some base address


Design issues:

·        Aliasing problems, (several pointers to same object)

·        Garbage collection




·        Dangling references-retrieving storage without destroying access path, (MORE DANGEROUS THAN GARBAGE CREATION)


Storage management:

Run-time storage:

·        Code segment-translated, user program

·        System programs

·        User defined data structures

·        Sub-program return points

·        Referencing environments

·        Temporaries for expression evaluation

·        I/O buffers

·        System data



·        Sub-program call and return

·        Data structures creation and destruction

·        Component insert and delete



To what extent should programmers be allowed to control storage allocation?



·        Huge burden on programmer to constantly implement delete functions

·        May interfere with system storage maintenance


Storage management phases:

·        Initial allocation

·        Recovery

·        Compaction and re-use


Storage management techniques:

·        Static storage management

v     Translation time, (fixed at run-time), ALL STORAGE NEEDS MUST BE KNOW IN ADVANCE,  no recursion is allowed, no dynamic memory allocation

v     Very efficient/not flexible

·        Stack based run-time environment

v     Simplest of  all run-time techniques

·        Heap based storage, (memory is allocated in pieces)

v     Fixed size element techniques, every block the same size

v     Linked list type stack:

Ø      Issues: garbage collection and dangling references





Dangling references:

·        "tombstone"-allocate extra storage cell to point to block of storage





To remove dangling reference, de-allocate storage and set "tombstone" to nil

Advantages-prohibits access to obsolete data

Disadvantages-time costs

                       -space costs

·        "lock and key"-2 passwords must match in order to access data



Advantages-prohibits access to obsolete data

Disadvantages-storage costs, (less than "tombstone")



·        Reference count:

alloc p      //reference count increments by 1

pÙ = 3

alloc q      //reference count increments by 1

q = p

dalloc p    //reference count decrements by 1


Program waits until reference count is 0 before memory is returned to heap

Disadvantages: costs associated with counter, (space, execution)


·        Garbage collection, (NO dangling references)


Disadvantages: drain on memory

When free store becomes exhausted:

1.      Mark active elements, (using check bit)

2.      Garbage returned to free space





Marking elements is difficult!!



·        Active elements must be reachable by chain of pointers beginning outside of heap

·        Must be possible to identify every pointer outside heap that points to heap element

·         Must be possible to identify any active heap element with fields pointing to other heap elements