CIS 400 Lecture 10


Continuing with iteration issues from previous lecture




           Loop issues

·        What type of values may loop variable assume?

·        Complexity of loop expression?

·        How often is loop variable checked against final value?

·        Can loop variable be assignment inside loop body?

·        When evaluate stopping expression?

·        Transfer permitted outside loop?

·        Scope of loop variable?


6) Multiple loop exits

7) "Loop and a half", (variation of #6 with a test in middle of loop)

8) Iterator, (like Lisp)









·        Found in virtually every language

·        Conditional or non-conditional

·        Easy to use

·        Simulate ANY missing control structure


Computed goto:

    go to (10,20,30) INDEX         //goes to 10, 20 or 30 depending on value of INDEX


Assigned goto:

    //assign value, say 10, to LABEL    

    go to LABEL, (10, 20, 30) //goes to label depending on what was assigned to LABEL


Approaches to LABEL

·        Ada- labels as local syntactic tags, evaluated at compilation

·        Algol- restricted data items, (all possible values defined at translation)

·        Snobol/APL- unrestricted data types


Disadvantages of goto's:

·        Readability

·        Source order has little bearing on execution

·        Groups of statements may serve multiple purposes


Functional programming

Up until now, we have been covering…

·        VonNewmann architecture, (single instruction at a time)

·        Assignment statement oriented

(imperative languages)


Functional languages:

More expressive, the expression is more important than assignment or control statement


i.e. in C:


max = x > y? x : y;




if x > y then

      max = x;

else max = y;




But what is "x" in the following expression?

f(x) + (x) = 2 * f(x)






Functional programming º applicative languages


                        f(x) = x * x

                        f(2) = 2 * 2

                        f(z + 1) = (z + 1) * (z + 1)


"lambda" notation:


(lx  x*x)2 = 2 * 2 = 4


f = lx.x*x


global º non-lambda variable


f º g o h = g(h(x))  functional languages permit this imperative do not


Functional/ applicative languages

·        Set of "primitives"

·        Set of functional forms, (for new functions)

·        Application operation, (apply function to arguments)

·        Set of data objects


How math functions differ form computational functions

·        Modifiable variable in computing

·        Program functions have side effects

·        Programming functions define procedurally in steps-math functions typically done in terms of other functions

·        Both can be recursive


Strongly advised to go to Xlisp home page and download a free implementation of Xlisp




Lisp: John McCarthy-MIT 1960

Distinctive features of Lisp:

·        Equivalence of form for data and program

·        Heavy reliance on recursion over iteration

·        Use of linked list as intrinsic data structure


Data objects in Lisp

·        "Atoms", (either literal or numeric, i.e. 'sam or 3)

·        List- groups of atoms or lists    nested list representation is ((1 2 ) (3 4 ))

·        Expression- atoms and lists together


There are no reserved words for literal except:

·        The literal T is for boolean true

·        The literal NIL º '(   ) or false


In Lisp


; is for commenting like // for C++. So ; this comment is not recognized by interpreter

' is to read "as is" and not for interpretation


Simulated Lisp input/output:


> 3


> sam

undefined variable

> 'sam


> T




> (a (b c) d)

undefined function call         ;;;;;; interpreter thinks "a" is a function, not a list element

> '(a (b c) d)

(a (b c) d)


In Lisp   (a (b c) d)



"car" from contents of address register-the first element of a list

"cdr" from contents of decrement register-everything EXCEPT the first element


to exit Lisp:

> (exit)




an atom "A" has:

·        A name

·        A value

·        A property list


In functional languages parameter transmission is by value, (there may be some by name parameter transmission)


Read/ Evaluate loop- and expression is read and evaluated, a value is returned, then the system waits (infinitely) for the next expression


An example of  some kind of "by name" parameter transmission:


> (setq x 3)


> x


> (setq x '(a b c))   ; the apostrophe is needed!!!

(a b c)

> x

(a b c)

> 'x
