CIS 400 Assignment 3
                          Fall 1996

     For your next assignment, you will need to complete the 
following lab exercises using Smalltalk. I would prefer 
receiving hardcopy of the relevant Smalltalk screens, but if 
you are not able to this you may write your code and its 
output as a lab report instead.

1.  Send a series of messages to the Turtle object, which
    will cause it to draw a square on the screen.

2.  Find the factorial method in the Magnitude subclass
   Integer. Use this as the model for a new recursive
   method which will compute the sum of the numbers 0 
   through N.

3.  Create a new object subclass called Account which
   contains two instance variables name and balance. 
   Define a method which assigns values to name and 
   balance for new object instances; accessor functions 
   (methods) for retrieving the values of name and balance 
   for Account instances; and methods deposit and withdraw 
   to increment and decrement the value of balance.

     I would prefer you to use SmallTalk/V for this 
assignment. You may use any features of the language to 
implement the objects and methods required by these 
exercises. You will need to devise some experiments to 
demonstrate that your code behaves correctly. You will need 
to turn in clearly commented source listings of your 
programs and any relevant computer output (no memo this 