//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ColorBars.java: // Implementation of "control creator" class ColorBars //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import java.awt.*; import DialogLayout; public class ColorBars { Container m_Parent = null; boolean m_fInitialized = false; DialogLayout m_Layout; // Control definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrollbar Red_Bar; Scrollbar Green_Bar; Scrollbar Blue_Bar; Label Red_Lab; Label Green_Lab; Label Blue_Lab; Button CButton; // Constructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ColorBars (Container parent) { m_Parent = parent; } // Initialization. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean CreateControls() { // CreateControls should be called only once //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (m_fInitialized || m_Parent == null) return false; // m_Parent must be extended from the Container class //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!(m_Parent instanceof Container)) return false; // Since a given font may not be supported across all platforms, it // is safe to modify only the size of the font, not the typeface. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Font OldFnt = m_Parent.getFont(); if (OldFnt != null) { Font NewFnt = new Font(OldFnt.getName(), OldFnt.getStyle(), 8); m_Parent.setFont(NewFnt); } // All position and sizes are in dialog logical units, so we use a // DialogLayout as our layout manager. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- m_Layout = new DialogLayout(m_Parent, 100, 207); m_Parent.setLayout(m_Layout); m_Parent.addNotify(); Dimension size = m_Layout.getDialogSize(); Insets insets = m_Parent.insets(); m_Parent.resize(insets.left + size.width + insets.right, insets.top + size.height + insets.bottom); // Control creation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Red_Bar = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 255); m_Parent.add(Red_Bar); m_Layout.setShape(Red_Bar, 7, 56, 86, 16); Green_Bar = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 255); m_Parent.add(Green_Bar); m_Layout.setShape(Green_Bar, 7, 96, 86, 16); Blue_Bar = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 255); m_Parent.add(Blue_Bar); m_Layout.setShape(Blue_Bar, 7, 135, 86, 16); Red_Lab = new Label ("Red", Label.LEFT); m_Parent.add(Red_Lab); m_Layout.setShape(Red_Lab, 42, 80, 16, 8); Green_Lab = new Label ("Green", Label.LEFT); m_Parent.add(Green_Lab); m_Layout.setShape(Green_Lab, 39, 118, 20, 8); Blue_Lab = new Label ("Blue", Label.LEFT); m_Parent.add(Blue_Lab); m_Layout.setShape(Blue_Lab, 42, 158, 15, 8); CButton = new Button ("Reset"); m_Parent.add(CButton); m_Layout.setShape(CButton, 37, 177, 27, 13); m_fInitialized = true; return true; } }