CIS 376 Lecture Videos
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User Modeling
User Interface Styles (part 1)
User Interface Styles (part 2)
User Interface Design and Interface Evaluation (part 1)
User Interface Evaluation (part 2) and Usability/Accessiblitly Evaluation
Web Engineering
Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 1c
Web Engineering (Part 2) and Web Design
Personal Software Process (Part 1)
Personal Software Process (Part 2) and Software Dependability
Software Reliability and Designing Dependable Systems (part 1)
Designing Dependable Systems (part 2), Software Verification and Validation (part 1)
Software Verification and Validation (part 2 - missing first 25 minutes) and Critical Systems Validation (part 1)
Crticial Systems Validation (part 2 - missing first 10 minutes) and Software Quality Management (part 1)
Software Quality Management (part 2 - missing first 10 minutes) and Process Improvement (part 1)
Process Improvement (part 2), Formal Methods, and Algebraic Specification
Model-Based Specification and Mathematical Models
Software Verification and Introducing Formal Methods to a Project
Cleanroom Software Engineering
Software Reuse and Component-Based Software Engineering
Legacy Systems and Managing Software Change
Softyware Evolution Planning and Software Reengineering
CASE Tools (missing first 20 minutes)
Software Architecture
Security and Privacy
Intellectual Property
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