CIS 375 Assignment 3
                          Fall 1999

     For your next assignment, you will have an opportunity to 
design the user interface for a software engineering tool. You 
will need to include some type of on-line help system as part of 
your user interface design. 

     My intention is that each person in the class will work as 
part of a team (2 to 3 persons) and that your team will present 
your project to the class at the end of the semester. I will need 
a written statement from each of you describing who did what 
portions of the final project and I will need you to rate each 
team member's participation on the project (including yourself). 
The scale to be used when rating people is 0=nothing to 

     Your team will need to select a "tiny tool" from the list 
provided in class. You may choose to implement the tool as a web-
based application or as a downloaded MSDOS or Windows application. 
In either case, you will need to give me both a running 
application and all related files. I am looking for a good user 
oriented interface (not exotic pyrotechnics).
     Your team will need to provide evidence that they did more 
than simply hack together a running program. You will need to 
submit the following documents for my approval by the due dates 

       Team Membership and Project Selection  11-10-99
       Draft Design Specification Document    11-22-97
       Draft Test Plan                        12-01-97
       Project Presentation                   12-08-97
       Complete Program and Documentation     12-13-99

     I must approve any substantive design changes between 
documents before they are allowed to be included in the final 
design. You must use the document template outlines distributed in 

     Oral project presentations (10 minutes) will take place 
during two of our class periods. It is expected that you will make 
appropriate use of AV materials during your presentation. Final 
versions of all program documentation along with a disk containing 
a running version of your program and all associated source code 
files are due Monday, 12-13-99. With your permission, I would like 
to keep a copy of this material and post it on the Internet. No 
late work will be accepted after our final exam on Wednesday, 12-

Assigned: 11-08-99
Due date: 12-13-99