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The Website Quality Assessor is used to evaluate how well an existing or proposed website meets specific quality requirements.

The layout is as follows:

Major quality categories are listed in the Category drop-down menu.

Specific requirements for the selected category are shown in the Requirements menu.

The radio buttons are used to rate how well your site satisfies each requirement. A score may be entered by selecting the desired radio button with the mouse or by typing a value from 0 to 5. NA corresponds to 0 and is the default score for each requirement. If the requirement is not applicable to your site, leave NA selected.

Items you may wish to consider when rating your site with regard to each requirement are displayed in the text field at the bottom of the form.

As requirements are rated, the current total score is updated in the Score field. Requirements ranked as NA are not considered when calculating this score.

The Next button may be used to display each requirement and category in order. The Back button may be used to return to a previous response. In addition, the drop-down menus may be used to jump to a particular requirement.

The Reset button clears all previous entries and returns you to the first category and requirement.

The Finish button opens a new browser window which displays the total score out of the total points possible. In addition, a summary of individual requirement scores is displayed. This screen may be printed out for future reference. If the results window is left open, the scores will be automatically updated if you return to the entry form and modify your responses.

All buttons may be activated by clicking them or by typing the first letter of the button label.

If the program does not respond to the keyboard it has probably lost focus. Try clicking the middle of the form with the mouse to regain the program's focus within the browser.


Authors: Doug Code, Brad Lloyd, and Michelle Zukowski ©1999