Moon Calendar

Moon Calendar was written primarily for elementary school students. It shows the phases of the Moon for each day of a selected month.

You can set the calendar to any date from 3999 BC to 3999 AD. Note that the calendar does not have a year 0; this corresponds to the year 1 BC.

Clicking any day cell on the calendar will take you to a screen presenting a more detailed view of the moon on that day, along with other information about the Sun and Moon.

The "Information" button will present an overview of Moon Calendar. On this screen, you will also find links to other sites related to the Moon.

Clicking on any text on a dark gray background will bring up a more detailed explanation of that item.

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You must have a Java capable browser to use Moon Calendar.

Send comments and suggestions about Moon Calendar to Paul Carlisle
To see the documentation for the Moon Calendar Click Here

Read about How Moon Calendar was developed.

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