
1. SCI Identification
2. Contact Information
3. Change Levels
4. Further Information

Computer generated by the computer. It will stamped on the Change Request Form.

Auto generated by the computer. It will stamped on the Change Request Form.


SCI Identification

Version/Control #
The version/control # of the software you tested. check at "about this" at software or at "about this" at the documentation that come along with the software.

Document Name  - Optional
Name of the Document if it's attached along with the software.
Included vision number, publish code (find at the back of the page).

Page Number(s) - Optional
Also included the page number(s) if you define the changes in the code book or the documentation.


Contact Information

Please enter your correct name in order for the programmer to contact you quickly.
Company IDs are not allowed.

Select the title provided, if no match, please use "other", and state your title at the box at the right side.
If you select your title as "other", please fill in this box of your correct title.

i.e., 1234567890.  (max 10 digits)
Please include the area code. The phone # that we can reach you during the office hour. can be your office phone, or personal cell phone. 
Extension: fill out if necessary. (max 5 digits)

In the following manners: 
Room #, Building #, Branch #, etc.

The e-mail address that you check most often. It can be company e-mail address or outside sever based e-mail address.
In the following format:


 Change Levels

Cosmetic Change
Any changes that doesn't require functional changes.
This Level concludes fonts, colors, screen outlooks, package, text layouts, graphic layouts, graph, documentation, etc.

Current Style Description
Description of the current style is describe in this box.

Print-out of current style
Check this button if you have an additional file to send besides the Change Request Form. Such as the screen capture of the current style, code of the current style, etc.

New Style Description
Describe the new style, layout after the change.

Modify Function
This function included change a function and remove a function.

Place(s) that occurred
1. define the place for the change/remove. specify each changes if there the change/remove effect more than one place in the entire program.
2. If it's the change function. select "External" or "Internal".

External: Desired Effects/Results
Describe the Effect and the Result of Change.

Internal: Suggested New Algorithm
Describe the Suggested New Algorithm for the changes in your mind.

Add New Function
Add a new function into the software.

Describe New Function
Describe the new function that you wish to put in the software.

Where to insert
Put down the place for the insertion. if the change occur on multiple places, please state each place as well.

Request Priority
1. Urgent
2. High
3. Medium
4. Low

Place(s) that occurred
Please specific where the change occur.  If the change effect multiple places, list each 1 in timely order or level order. 


Further Information

Reason and Justification
1. Reason for the change.
2. Justify the Change as detail as possible. 3. Cover all the areas the changes occurs.

Percerived Effects
The changes that benefit your company and client.

Present a second solution as optional change.







This software bought to you 
the Cyber Rovers
Ray Yu | John Deng | Bhavin Patel

© 1999 Cyber Rovers. All rights reserved.

Last Updated: Saturday, February 12, 2000 01:47:43 PM