University of Michigan-Dearborn                         Handed out: 4/2/97
Computer and Information Science Department             Due date: 4/9, 4/21
Professor Ken Modesitt                                  Points: 30 * n
CIS 375:  Introduction to Software Engineering          TEAMS: 4-5


Evaluate several commercially-available tools for computer-aided software engineering (CASE), including their ease of installation, ease of learning and use, cost, and associated documentation. These will include very simple ones (such as BriefCASE III and Netforum), as well as industrial strength ones. You have undoubtedly noticed that the word "CASE" appears frequently throughout the text. Here is your chance to have some real hands-on experience. Bloom's cognitive level 6 will be of paramount interest in this concluding project for the term.

Context of Project
You are well aware of the rapidly-growing number of commercial software systems which are billed as "CASE" ones, as well as project management. Thanks to the generosity of several vendors, the Dean of the School of Engineering and the Department of Computer and Information Science faculty (over $6M worth of product!), this course will have access to a number of products which the developers have loaned to us for educational purposes. Hence, the materials are not to be copied!!

This evaluation will allow your team to use several tools for several weeks. The evaluations will be collected and made available to the entire class and to the respective vendors. Your exposure will include the very small tool BriefCASE, to serve as a baseline for structured front-end CASE tools. Therefore, after this project, you will be able to make a more intelligent choice of tools, and get some hands-on experience with industrial- strength ones. Moreover, after you leave the course and are exposed to a much wider variety of such tools, you will have done some preliminary work on constructing a model for evaluating such products.

Relevant material to peruse appears in various texts which discuss analysis and design. Use these references in your MECCA evaluation. Such use will be part of the project grade! Some obvious features include cost (initial and maintenance), machine features required, performance, flexibility, ease of installation, ease of learning, ease of use, power, etc.

Project Summary

Additional Details
We will mutually discuss what should go into the evaluation model for CASE. Make sure to consider ease of installation, cost and the role of documentation, plus other meaningful features. You may also require access to material on the WWW, and in my office. See the various texts and computer magazines and Computer Selects for good ideas, as shown in earlier assignments.

Deliverable in two class days (4/9/97)
Tentative Software Project Management Plan (SPMP), including schedule and person- loading.

Final Deliverables on 4/21/97
1. Originals of signed letters and evaluations (4) to be sent to the vendors + two copies (one for grading and one file copy)
2. Orally-presented executive summary and demonstration -- will be video-taped
3. Two complete hard copies of all remaining documentation: one for grading, one for file copy. Put another set (zipped, except for executive summary and lessons learned), on thee class netforum under "Project 6-- CASE Tools"
4. Individual logbooks. The last item will be an evaluation of your teammate.

Software Tools Required for Use*, Desire to Use
Groupware: Netforum*, FirstClass, Lotus/IBM Notes, etc.
Conferencing: CU-SeeMe*, MS Net Meeting, etc.
CASE: BriefCASE III for Windows*, Oracle Designer*, TI Composer*, Evergreen's EasyCASE
Version Control: MS SourceSafe
Automated Testing: current ones from CompuWare
Programming Languages: HTML, Java, or C++
Mail: pine
Complexity: McCabe demo*
Project Management: MS Project Manager
Productivity: word processor, spread sheets, data bases, presentation
Others: ?

The evaluation of this project will be based on several criteria. You would be wise to review thoroughly the Lessons Learned from previous courses! Some criteria include:


Cover page: names, class, date, etc.
Three ring binder
Tabbed sections

Table of contents

Executive summary
Concise description of problem addressed and results

Problem statement
Summary of handout

Your understanding of what the instructor requires -- informally stated.

Precise definition of what the deliverables are. Use chapters 7, 8, 9, and 11 for the analysis/design tools and chapter 12 for the complexity one.

Software Project Management Plan (marked-up original draft and final).
This will include Gantt and person-loading charts. Use chapter 10.

Product testing. Actual cases must be included.
Use chapters 5 and 13.

Evaluations (MECCA)
Evaluation of all four products [part of what is sent to the vendor]

Reality vs. Predictions
Discuss any discrepancies between estimates and actual results for SPMP components.

Lessons learned
What would you like to have done differently? What tools/methods would you like to use next time?

Logbooks (individual) DO NOT INCLUDE IN THE BINDER!
The last item will be an evaluation of your teammates.

Overhead masters, Powerpoint disk, final reports, WWW copy, etc.

Disk pack [in secure plastic sleeves]
Floppy disk(s) containing all the above, labeled with your name, date, project, class
Index to the contents (name, purpose, format- "native application", e.g. Word 6.0)