University of Michigan-Dearborn                         Handed out: 3/24/97
Computer and Information Science Department             Due date: 3/31/97 + TBD
Professor Ken Modesitt                                  Points: 15
CIS 375:  Introduction to Software Engineering          TEAMS: 2 or 3

                                SOFTWARE PROJECT #5
                                 JKM & ASSOCIATES

Context of Project

Based on the previous successful work of JKM & Associates, we have gained considerable notoriety! In fact, our prowess has even spread to the Capstone Design course (CIS 495) currently being taught by Dr. Maxim. They want our help!

The eight (8) teams of the course are working on individual group projects -- some of which may be submitted to the School of Engineering Design Competition for real $$!! They will provide us with the requirements specification and the code for their project, and want JKM software engineers to test it. The individual CIS 495 teams have different products, team members, due dates, requirements, etc. So part of this class time will be evoted to permitting you time to review the materials they have provided to date.

You will then formulate a contract letter detailing what you plan to deliver, when it will be done, and what resources (including person-hours) you will require. A copy of this letter, with signatures from both teams, will be given to professors of CIS 375 and CIS 495 within one week.

Using what you have learned to date AND from other sources: text, ESE tapes, WWW, Usenet groups, professional literature, and the Compuware guest lecture, etc. you will design the best possible set of tests. You will then execute this test plan with the provided code, recording the results.

One set of deliverables from each of your teams is to be given to the contractors according to the agreed-upon schedule. Two complete sets for the projects are then to be given to the professor, within one class day thereafter.

Each CIS 495 team will then evaluate what you have provided them, and this evaluation will be included in your project grade. Contact with the teams from CIS 495 is required, so be sure to supply and request phone umbers, e-mail, etc. I also plan to set up Netforums for each of the team pairs -- just supply me with the name you would like.

Final Deliverables on schedule
1. Two complete hard copies of all documentation. Put another set on the Netforum under "Project 5 -- Independent Testing." This will be made available to Dr. Maxim's class.
2. Individual logbooks. The last item will be evaluations of your teammates.

The evaluation on this project will be based on several criteria. You would be wise to review thoroughly the Lessons Learned from previous courses! Some criteria include:

Cover page: names, class, date, etc.
Three ring binder
Tabbed sections

Table of contents

Executive summary
Concise description of problem addressed and results

Problem statement
Summary of handout

Your understanding of what the instructor requires -- informally stated.

Precise definition of what you are to do. See chapters 7 and 8.

Software Project Management Plan (marked-up original draft and final).
This will include Gantt and person-loading charts, among other components.

Product testing
Must include Black-box at the minimum
Actual executed test cases must be included.
See chapters 5 and 12.

Evaluations (MECCA)
Evaluation of the product as delivered to you.
Evaluation of your contractor team.

Reality vs. Predictions
Discuss any discrepancies between estimates and actual results for SPMP components.

Lessons learned
What would you like to have done differently? What tools/methods would you like to use next time?

Logbooks (individual) DO NOT INCLUDE IN THE BINDER!
The last item will be an evaluation of your teammates.

Disk pack
Floppy disk(s) containing all the above, labeled with your name, date, project, class
Index to the contents (name, purpose, format- "native application", e.g. Word 6.0)