University of Michigan-Dearborn                         Handed out: 2/26/97
Computer and Information Science Department             Due date: 3/17, TBA
Professor Ken Modesitt                                  Points: 30 
CIS 375:  Introduction to Software Engineering          PAIRS


Context of Project
The faculty of the Computer and Information Science Department on campus are much like you -- bright, competent, motivated, and VERY busy! They have expressed the desire for some assistance to keep up with a substantial workload in their teaching responsibilities. The University has supplied some types of assistance, via various tools.

The type of assistance offered to the CIS faculty for this project is somewhat different -- it is bright, competent, motivated PEOPLE -- namely you! Your team will help the faculty be able to help their students -- both current ones and future ones (which will probably include you). The intention is to improve communication among students and faculty via a variety of software tools for each course: WWW home pages, WWW discussion databases, and e-mail distribution lists. The home pages for the course will also add value outside the walls of UM-Dearborn. The team will be expected to have extensive interaction with the CIS faculty member, using techniques you learned in previous projects. She/he will expect you to make use of your existing technical skills, also from previous projects. Contact with the faculty member (customer) is mandatory, and will be manifested in your progress reports, and a final report.

Initial testing of the various components will be done by your team, with final testing to be performed as desired by the customer. This should appear explicitly in the "contract" between you, as developer, and the CIS faculty member, as customer. An evaluation by the customer of your team and the final deliverables will be done after the due date of the project. The written evaluation by the customer will play a role in the final grade assigned to the team.

Project Summary

Deliverable in three class days (3/17)
1. Tentative Software Project Management Plan (SPMP), including schedule and person-loading
2. Signed-off contract with customer

Final Deliverables on schedule
1. Evaluation form to be used by CIS faculty member (customer)
2. Orally-presented executive summary and demonstration (81) -- will be video-taped
3. Three complete hard copies of all documentation: 1 for customer, 1 for grading, 1 for file copy. Put another set on the WWW under "Project 4-- Intelligent Assistants"
4. Individual logbooks. The last item will be an evaluation of your teammate.

TBA Kickoff meeting with customer
TBA Progress Reports
TBA Final report/demo (8 minutes) [may have to be negotiated]

Software Tools Available/Desire Expressed for Required for Use, Desire to Use
Groupware: Netforum, FirstClass, Lotus/IBM Notes, etc.
Conferencing: CU-SeeMe, MS Net Meeting, etc.
CASE: BriefCASE, Oracle Designer, TI Composer, Evergreen1s EasyCASE
Version Control: MS SourceSafe
Automated Testing: current ones from CompuWare
Programming Languages: HTML or Java, C++
Mail: pine
Others: ?

The evaluation of this project will be based on several criteria. You would be wise to review thoroughly the Lessons Learned from previous courses! Some criteria include:

1. Software Project Management Plan (Estimated vs. Real)
2. Documentation: requirements, specification, design, implementation, integration, etc.
3. Lessons learned
4. Presentation of results (report, presentation, etc.): See attached for format of formal report
5. Oral presentation
6. Evaluation by the customer -- CIS faculty member


Cover page: team name, individual names, class, date, etc.
Three ring binder
Tabbed sections

Table of contents

Executive summary
Concise description of problem addressed and results

Problem statement
Summary of handout

Your understanding of what the customer requires -- informally stated.

Precise definition of what the deliverable are and what they are to do. Use chapters 7 and 8.

Software Project Management Plan (marked-up original draft and final).
This will include Gantt and person-loading charts,,
Use chapter 10.

Use chapters 6 and 11.

Completely documented, in accordance with previous standards: remember earlier projects!
Use chapters 12 and 13.

Product testing. Actual executed test cases must be included.
User manuals appear here.
Acceptance testing -- will be done after the project due date, but will be included in final grade
Use chapters 5 and 13.

Reality vs. Predictions
Discuss any discrepancies between estimates and actual results for SPMP components.

Lessons learned
What would you like to have done differently? What tools/methods would you like to use next time?

Logbooks (individual) DO NOT INCLUDE IN THE BINDER!
The last item will be an evaluation of your teammate.

Overhead masters, Powerpoint disk, name of URL, progress and final reports, WWW copy, etc.

Disk pack [in secure plastic sleeves]
Floppy disk(s) containing all the above, labeled with your name, date, project, class
Index to the contents (name, purpose, format- "native application", e.g. Word 6.0)

Customer Evaluation (will come later)