CIS 350
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Lecture Notes
Course Overview
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Software Design
- Data Abstraction
Abstract Data Types (ADT's)
- Specify ADT
- Representation
- Data type - bindings
- Type declaration statement
Built-in Types
- Static Type Checking
- Dynamic Type Checking
- Storage Management
Allocation, garbage, dangling reference
- Elementary Built-in Types
Structured Types
- Implentation and Operations
- Arrays, Records, Strings
Object-Orinted Programming
- Abtract Data Types
- Inheritance
- Templates
- Attributes and Operations
- Array Implementation
- Attributes and Operations
- Array Implementation
Program Complexity
- Complexity
- Efficiency
- Best/Worst/Average Case Performance
- Units - Big Oh/Omega/Theta
- Rules for Order Arithmetic
- Multiplicative constants
- Addition/Multi. Rules
Complexity Examples
Complexity Computation Heuristics
More Complexity Examples
- Recursive Algorithms
- Recursive Data Structure
Simulating Recursion
- Parameter Transmission
- Storage
- Transfer Control - Exit, Entry
Pointer Variables
- Address Operator
- Output
- Pointers and Structs
Singly Linked Lists
- Basic Operations
- Array Implementation
Linked List Operators
- Removing Nodes
- Inserting Nodes
- Pointer Implementation
- Ordered/Unordered Lists
- Internal/External Searches
- Adding/Deleting Array Elements
- Array vs. Stack
- Ordered Lists
Hash tables
- Hashing Functions
- Library Example
- Collisions
- Clustering
- Displacement
- Collision Resolution
- Linear Probing - Succesful/Unsuccessful
- Quadratic Probing - Successful/Unsuccessful
Hash Collision Resolution and Complexity
- Strategies
- Linear Probing
- Buckets
- Chaining
- Complexity of Hashing - Insert/Delete/Member
- What affects runtime?
- Sample Hashing Functions
- Tree Variations
- Class BinTree
Binary Search Tree(BST)
Tree Traversals
- Inorder
- Preorder
- Postorder
- Threaded Trees
AVL Trees
Additional Trees
- Priority Queues
- General Trees
- Tries
- Terminology Review
- Isomorphic vs equal graphs
- Bipartite Graphs
- K-regular Graphs
- Graph ADT Operators
Graph Representations
- Incidence and Adjacency Matrices
- Adjacency and Edge Lists
More Graph Terminology
- Connected Graphs
- Spanning Tree
- Algorithms
Biconnected Graphs
- Definition
- Determining
- Example
Euler Circuit
- Definition
- Fleury's Algorithm
Graph Representations
Augmenting Path
Directed Graphs (Digraphs)
- Weakly/Stongly Connected
- Adjacency Matrix and List
- Incidence Matrix and List
- Changes in Digraph ADT?
Shortest Path
- Dijkstra
- Floyd's Algorithm
- Warshall's Transitive Closure
Topological sorting
- Definition
- Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG)
Sorting Algorithms
- Shell
- External Sorting
- Merge Sort
- In situ arrays